Submitting to my Boss Read online

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  As my nose touched the string, my heart sank as I heard the water in the bucket move. I froze, listening to the water slosh back and forth, but thankfully it didn’t fall. Now more gingerly, I tried to touch the rope as little as possible whilst still scratching my itch. It felt so good.

  The itch now gone, I allowed myself to sit back in the chair. The people across the road were still looking but didn’t seem to be reacting significantly to my movement. I looked straight at the people one by one, but none of them looked back into my eyes. If they could just see the outline of a person, perhaps I am not as exposed as I thought.

  My jaw was still aching but I had a good grip on the ball and was becoming increasingly confident that I could pass this test. Out of nowhere, this was the moment that everything went wrong.

  Chapter 8: The Price of Failure

  There was no warning, but suddenly I let out a huge sneeze. In an instant, my senses were overwhelmed as everything seemed to happen at once. There was a moment of agony as I felt cold water hit my head and spray across the room. I bucked against the chair, trying to get away, but my bonds held me tightly. My hair was plastered to the side of my face and I could feel the drips running down my skin, each one leaving a trail of icy burning behind it.

  I could barely see as a result of a combination of water in my eyes and a temporary blindness caused by the light coming on. I shook my head frantically, trying to clear my vision and get rid of the water in my hair but it was totally ineffective.

  When the initial shock and discomfort ended, I felt overwhelming disappointment that I had failed Jack’s test. Surely, this would mean that, yet again, I would go home without the release I craved. After all I had endured, to fail with surely not much time left was crushing. I felt like crying.

  As my eyes adjusted to the light, I realised my situation was even worse. I had forgotten the people over the road who had been looking at me. Now I was lit up and would be clearly visible. Sure enough, I could see them all excitedly pointing in my direction. Some of them were laughing and clearly enjoying my discomfort. Not only was I on display, naked, in front of a whole party of people, I was tied up in what was clearly a bondage game. With nobody else in the room, it must look like I dropped the bucket of water on my head intentionally. The embarrassment felt even more intense than the cold that had enveloped me mere seconds earlier as I dreaded what these people thought of me.

  The noise of the water falling had surely alerted Jack to my predicament. I considered calling out to him and telling him that I was being ogled from across the street, to tell him that I needed help. However, he had set this up. He had clearly intended this to be my punishment if I failed to follow his instructions. Having experienced his disappointment before, I had no desire to anger him again. With a new resolve, I decided that I would endure this indignity. Maybe Jack would give me another chance to impress him.

  After some time, I began to recover from the shock of the cold water. I was still shivering, but it was bearable. I thought the party opposite would lose interest in me eventually but minute after minute went by and they continued to taunt me and laugh. One of them had written “Slut” in large letters on a piece of paper and was holding it to the window. My eyes dropped as I was left in no doubt what they thought and when I looked back up, they were all laughing uproariously and slapping their inventive friend on the back.

  I was oblivious to any noise but sensed something had changed when one of the girls pointed across excitedly. Before I could react, I felt a ball gag pressed into my mouth and fastened behind my head. Jack had returned. I felt a flood of emotion rush over me. I tried to say I was sorry that I had failed him, but all that came out from behind the gag was incoherent grunting.

  As Jack started untying my wrists, I was glad the test was over. I thought that it wouldn’t be long before I was back home and able to start to forget about what I had suffered. However, after having untied the wrists from the chair, I felt them being pulled back behind me. Jack was roughly retying my wrists together. I tried to protest, but could still only grunt whereas Jack’s grip was easily strong enough to hardly notice any resistance.

  I felt Jack move to my ankles, his hands feeling warm against my punished skin. Everyone across the road was still and had their eyes fixed on the flat, wondering what was going to happen next. All I wanted was to be out of that room and away from those eyes, but I began to realise that Jack had more planned for me as my ankles, newly liberated from being tied to the chair, were instead tied together.

  Jack had been silent as he had purposefully gone about his work so it shocked me when he spoke. “Stand,” he commanded. I stood as quickly as I could feeling slightly off balance due to the ropes restricting my arms and legs. The party across the road actually started applauding, appreciative of being able to see me from a new angle. I could feel my nipples protruding, partly from the cold, but also due to an underlying excitement of being displayed in this way.

  Jack had sat down on the chair where I had previously been. His strong hands grabbed me and I felt myself being pulled down until I was bent across his knee. My feeling of shame increased as I realised what he intended to do at the same time as the party across the road. The “Slut” sign was being waved furiously as I instinctively tried to wriggle away to avoid both the pain and the humiliation.

  I was expecting the first spank any moment, but as I tried desperately to get out from his grip, it didn’t come. Jack easily held me still despite my resistance. Eventually, I resigned myself that trying to fight Jack wasn’t doing any good and was only prolonging the dread of the pain I was about to receive. I let my body go limp and turned my head away from the window. I knew they would be enjoying this, but I couldn’t watch them rejoice over my despair any more.

  Once Jack was satisfied that I wasn’t moving, I felt a sharp pain as his palm connected with my exposed bottom. From a combination of surprise and pain, I screamed into my gag. I was breathing heavily through my nose as I prepared for the next spank. Just when I thought Jack had decided not to, the pain returned. I couldn’t believe how hard Jack was able to hit me and as Jack continued to spank me, each successive hit felt worse than the last as my bottom became increasingly sore.

  I lost count as ten spanks. The time interval between spanks was irregular so I couldn’t prepare myself effectively. When I thought it was over and my body couldn’t take any more, without warning Jack sped up and started hitting me repeatedly as quickly as he could. My body convulsed, instinctively trying to get away.

  I wasn’t sure if I had squirmed out of his grip or if Jack threw me, but the next I knew, I was on the floor by the window. The cold, wet plastic sheeting further added to my discomfort, but I couldn’t move with my wrists and ankles tied. My face was pressed against the window and I could again see everyone in the flat opposite watching me. To my growing distress, I saw that the couple in one of the other flats were also standing by the window. They seemed to be enjoying the show too.

  I couldn’t think what else Jack would do to me, but I recoiled as I felt him walk up to me. However, he was relatively gentle as he untied both my wrists and my ankles. I rubbed the sores left by the tight ropes gratefully. He also removed the gag from my mouth. “I’m sorry,” I said tearfully.

  Without acknowledging what I had said he spoke. “Your clothes are in the other room along with something for the pain. You can take them and go when you want.” His voice was different to what I had heard before, almost tender.

  He then walked to the window and lowered the blind, finally ending my public humiliation. Without another word, he slowly walked towards the open door and left the room. I stayed laying on the floor for a minute or so, exhausted by what had happened.

  Finally, I stood up, wobbling slightly as my stiff legs adjusted. When I left the room, there was no sign of Jack. I wondered if he had gone into one of the other rooms or had left the flat. Either way, it was clear that he didn’t want to see me again that night.

My clothes were piled up on the sofa where I had left them. On top of them was a bottle of antiseptic healing cream and a towel. Suddenly conscious of the burning pain, I quickly unscrewed the cap of the cream and rubbed it into my bottom. It stung at first but the cold began to soothe it almost immediately. For good measure, I applied the cream to my wrists and ankles as well. I then used the towel to remove as much of the residual cold water from my hair and body as I could.

  Despite the pain that I had been through that night, these gifts convinced me that Jack really cared for me. I understood that everything he had put me through was part of his sexual need to control women. I was worried that we had both gone too far that night to continue.

  I needn’t have worried. When I picked up my jacket to put on my final piece of clothing, I found a new brown envelope underneath. Without hesitation, I ripped it open. As I was getting used to, there was one piece of paper inside with Jack’s handwritten note. “Things got pretty crazy tonight. Despite your failure, I think you might have what it takes to get me. Leave your knickers on your way out if you want another try.”

  I smiled to myself as I read the words. They confirmed everything I had thought. Jack wanted me to prove myself worthy to him and then he would give me the sexual attention I craved. I was prepared to do whatever it took to satisfy him. When I looked back at the night, I wouldn’t remember the pain and humiliation so much as the excitement that I was getting closer to my goal. I put the envelope back where I had found it and slipped my knickers off to place on top of it.

  I was smiling as I left the flat. After what I had been through that night, walking home with no knickers wouldn’t be a problem for me. I didn’t look back as the door closed and locked behind me.


  It had been even easier than expected. Lily had seemed so innocent and pure, but she had a naughty streak which blazed like a beacon when awakened. It had taken all of my resolve to not have sex with her on the first night and I was worried for a while that the harshness with which I has pushed her away would mean that she wouldn’t want to see me again.

  When she gave me her knickers the next day at work, I knew exactly what I had to do. It usually took four or five sessions before I introduced a girl to the punishment chair. Thankfully the usual crowd were happy to arrange a party on short notice over the road once I told them I would arrange some entertainment. I hear that the parties where they can see a naked woman get tortured are legendary at their college.

  Whilst it was early in the relationship, I had high hopes that this could develop into something special. I resolved after that second night that I would make Lily submit to me more completely than any woman ever had. I had a variety of new bondage ideas that I wanted to try and Lily would make the perfect subject.

  Once I had run out of ideas, and only then, I would allow myself to release myself into Lily’s sweet pussy and it would be glorious. The anticipation felt so sweet and I could almost see what my victory would look like every time I closed my eyes. However, even better than that thought was the knowledge that our journey together was only just beginning.


  I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. It has been an interesting journey to get this far with a portfolio of successful books – I never thought I would get this far when I first explored online publishing a few years ago. I am particularly proud of this book as I put a lot of work in constructing the characters of Lily and Jack and the situations they found themselves in and am really pleased at how it developed. I think there are plenty of further adventures that Lily and Jack could have together so I would definitely like to return to this couple in the future.

  Of course, I am still writing and would be grateful to hear any feedback or suggestions that you have for future stories. If you have missed any of my past books, they are all available from Amazon – just search for “Cheri Grade” and look at my author page.

  I have a full time office job and started writing as a hobby to give me a break from looking at spreadsheets all day. It is relaxing to come home and lose myself in an exciting world that I can shape. I finally plucked up the courage to publish my stories after deciding that this was the only way in which I could get some feedback and develop my writing skills. The subject matter I like to concentrate on is the feeling of being embarrassed and naked which I find intensely erotic and writing gives me the chance to explore my fantasies in relation to this which I would be too shy to try in real life.

  Thank you for reading this far. If you want to support me, please leave me a review on Amazon. It makes a big difference to me both in terms of sales and is an opportunity to give me feedback which I can use to improve my future books.

  Until then, all the best,


  [email protected]