Submitting to my Boss Page 3
I kept the envelope with me for the entire morning waiting for Jack to leave the office at lunchtime. Katie, Susan and Beverley were all going out to our usual pizza place around the corner, but I made an excuse that I had some work to do. Thus, when lunchtime came, I was sitting alone on the bank of desks watching Jack in his office and waiting for him to leave for his own lunch.
As he had done the previous night, Jack kept me waiting. I was worrying that he wouldn’t go out before the others got back until eventually, he put on his jacket and strode purposefully out of his office. Seeing my opportunity, I walked over as casually as I could and opened his door. I left the envelope containing my message on top of his keyboard so he wouldn’t miss it. As quickly as I could, I made my retreat. Most people in the office were at lunch and the ones which were left had paid no attention to my activities.
As I sat alone back at my desk, I worried about what Jack’s reaction would be and whether I had done the right thing. As it happened, Jack came back before the others. I saw him sit at his desk and pick up the envelope quizzically. I tried to pretend I was looking at my computer as I saw him glance over towards me.
He opened the envelope and took out my paper. I couldn’t read his expression as he picked up his own pen and started writing. Replacing the paper he got up and strode out of his office. My heart was beating fast as I realised he was walking straight towards me.
Without a word, he held out the envelope towards me. As soon as I took it he spun around and walked back to his office. Guiltily, I looked around the office, imagining that I would find everyone looking at me, querying why Jack would have anything to do with me. However, I had overestimated the amount of attention anyone else had for me and they were all engrossed in work, conversation or eating at their desks.
Jack had used the same envelope so it was still open. I removed the paper. It still had “I’m sorry” written on it. I was momentarily confused before I realised that Jack had written on the back. Turning the paper over, I felt my excitement dissipate as I read the words “Not enough”.
Those two simple words had deflated my mood. Jack had rejected my apology and there was nothing more I could do. I really thought that he would give me another chance.
I couldn’t even concentrate on my work. I had been putting together some numbers for Beverley and she was clearly irritated by how many errors I had made. She was standing by my desk part telling me off and part trying to explain where I had gone wrong as I half listened, feeling empty inside. My gaze swept around the office distractedly until it settled on Jack.
Jack seemed to sense me looking at him and looked up. I expected to see anger in his face again, but he actually gave a little smile before getting back to his work. My whole outlook changed in that small moment. There was still a chance for me. I thought about the message again. I had taken “Not enough” to mean that he didn’t accept my apology but maybe it meant he was looking for something more.
Beverley was getting to the end of her lecture so I nodded absent-mindedly which seemed to be all she was looking for as she walked back to her desk shaking her head.
As soon as Beverley got back to her desk, I had decided what I was going to do about Jack. I picked up the envelope again and walked across the office, throwing the piece of paper in the bin as I passed, but keeping hold of the envelope itself. Walking around the corner, I slipped into the toilets and locked myself into a cubicle.
With a deep breath, excited and scared about what I was about to do, I hitched up my skirt and pulled down my tights and knickers. The knickers were everyday ones, but pretty enough as the white cotton had some lace detail. They would have to do as I needed to finish this today. I placed the knickers in the envelope before replacing my tights.
I felt light headed as I walked out of the toilets and back across the office. Knowing that there wouldn’t be another time to catch Jack out of his office, I knocked on his door and walked straight in without waiting for him to answer.
“Yes?” he said, as I walked in.
“I think this is what you asked for,” I said handing him the envelope. Not being brave enough to see his reaction, I turned and walked out of the office, closing the door behind me. I couldn’t believe what I had just done. Sitting back at my desk without my knickers was an amazing rush. I stared at Jack in his office, but he was giving nothing away as he typed on his computer, the envelope lying on the desk beside him.
It was nearly the end of the day before Jack did anything. I had almost given up hope by that point as I got on with my work as best as I could. Jack had just been talking to one of the consultants in his usual brash manner and rather than go back to his office, he walked straight towards me.
“I think you accidentally left this,” was all he said, thrusting the envelope onto the desk.
“Thank you,” I said bashfully, feeling my cheeks flush even as he walked away.
As I picked up the envelope, I noticed that it didn’t feel full enough to still have my knickers in. Making sure that the others weren’t looking, I carefully looked inside the envelope and my heart jumped as I saw there was nothing inside except a piece of paper. I didn’t dare to take it all the way out of the envelope at work, but just reading the first few lines told me all I needed to know: “Lily, I am still angry with you but if you will accept your punishment, I will give you another chance. What I want you to do is…”
Chapter 6: The Punishment Chair
The instructions in the envelope had told me to be at Jack’s flat at nine o’clock sharp and to let myself in. I arrived at the exact time not wanting to annoy Jack further. The door swung open as I touched it and the lights came on to illuminate the familiar interior of the flat. Jack was nowhere to be seen. I had anticipated as much as the remainder of the instructions were quite clear as to what I was meant to do.
As soon as the door was shut, I turned the lock. Then I walked over to the sofa, already unbuttoning my blouse. Carefully, I removed and folded first my jacket and then my blouse and placed them on the sofa. My skirt and tights followed leaving me in just my white silk underwear.
I hesitated a moment and had a quick look around the flat but couldn’t see Jack or anyone else. My breathing quickened as I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra, adding it to the pile along with my knickers.
There was something particularly exciting about being naked in Jack’s flat on my own. I didn’t know if he was hiding in one of the rooms or perhaps behind the kitchen counter or whether he was on his way back to the flat from outside and would come home to find me here. After leaving the pile of all my clothes, my last instruction was to kneel facing the corner furthest from the window and not to look away under any circumstances. I complied with this as I had complied with all of the instructions.
As a passing thought, I wondered whether anyone in the flat opposite could see me through the glass. I hoped I was too far away but feared I was not. It was too late to do anything about it as I heard the main door open. I didn’t look around, but I recognised the familiar regular footsteps of Jack’s boots. There was nobody with him so whatever he had planned, we would at least be alone.
I knelt trembling, facing the featureless, white wall of Jack’s flat. I knew I had displeased him and was going to be punished, but I had no idea what he would have in store for me. The minutes stretched out as I tried to listen for what he was doing but the only sound was a nondescript rustling. I shivered involuntarily although I could not tell whether this was due to the cold air on my naked body or the anticipation of what he would do to me.
After a while in this position, I sensed him slowly approaching me, his steps making almost no sound on the wooden floor. Then suddenly, he pushed a blindfold over my eyes.
“Stand,” he said and I complied as quickly as I could.
Without another word, he grabbed my shoulders roughly and turned me around before guiding me forwards. I was not familiar with the layout of his flat and, additionally, the blindfold disorientated
me so I had no idea where we were going. Eventually, I felt a plastic sheet beneath my feet covering the floor. After a few more steps, Jack commanded me to stop.
“In front of you is a chair. I want you to sit,” he said. I felt forward with my hands and verified that there was a plain wooden chair in front of me. I sat down carefully. Without being able to see, I was imagining all sorts of horrors that could be waiting for me. The plastic sheeting had seemed to cover the whole floor. What was it for?
I felt confused and Jack wasn’t doing anything to give away what he had planned. He left me in silence as he seemed to be adjusting something behind me in the room. I felt him pick up my right hand from where it was resting on my lap and tie some coarse rope around the write, fixing it to the back of the chair. He repeated this with the left wrist and then each ankle. Whatever he had planned, I would be stuck to this chair.
“Open your mouth,” he said. After I complied, he spoke again. “This is very important. I am going to put something into your mouth now. I want you to bite down on it and not to let go under any circumstances. Do you understand?”
I nodded. “Yes, sir.”
I felt a sponge ball being placed into my mouth. It was attached to some sort of taut string which was trying to pull it back. As instructed, I gripped as hard as I could. Once I had got used to the pressure, it was not difficult.
“I am now going to remove the blindfold,” Jack said, presumably now satisfied that I was gripping the ball. “Remember, you are not to let go of the ball.”
I nodded, silently.
As the blindfold was removed, I found myself looking at a large mirror which gave a good view of my position. The wall behind the mirror was entirely glass and around the sides of it, I could see the building adjacent to Jack’s flat. The rest of the walls were white, as was the rest of Jack’s flat so the blue plastic sheeting which covered the floor was the only colour.
As my eyes turned to see myself in the mirror, my predicament started to take shape. The string coming out of my mouth was attached to a wooden pulley system which was also attached to a grey, metal bucket which was suspended above my head. There was also a line which extended beyond what I could see in the mirror.
“I built it myself,” said Jack and I could see his self-satisfied smirk in the mirror. “The bucket is full of iced water which will fall if you let go of the ball in your mouth. Your punishment is to sit here for the next hour. If you are still dry at the end of that time, I will consider your punishment complete and you will get the release you crave.” At this, his hand brushed against the crotch of his tight trousers leaving me in no doubt as to what he meant. “If you are soaked, then your punishment will continue.”
He walked out of the scope of the mirror so I couldn’t see him. To my surprise, the lights suddenly went off. In shock, I almost dropped the ball but caught hold of myself in time. My breathing quickened as I realised how close I had come to sitting naked and covered in iced water for an hour.
“One extra thing,” Jack continued. “I needed to turn the light off as I am going to remove the mirror. With the light on, you are clearly visible to anyone in the building opposite without the mirror blocking their view. I am sure you wouldn’t want to be exposed like this.”
Chapter 7 Alone in the Darkness
I felt myself blushing in the darkness. I had gotten used to being seen naked by Jack, but would be mortified if anyone else saw me like this. I watched Jack remove the mirror and rest it against one of the side walls. I could only follow his movements roughly in the darkness, but I sensed him moving towards the door at the back of the room.
“One more thing,” he said. “The lights are also linked to the ball in your mouth and will go on when you drop it. See you in an hour.” With that, he closed the door and the darkness closed in around me.
I bit down on the ball as hard as I could, my heart beating furiously. I tried to calm myself with the thought that it would only be an hour and I would finally have sex with Jack. All this kinky stuff and bondage would be over then and I would have Jack all to myself.
Despite this, I kept returning to a mental image of myself covered in freezing water and on display to anyone who wanted to see me. I could see what Jack’s expression would be as clearly as if he was there. He would look at me with a slight shake of his head thinking that I was just another girl who was unworthy of him. I had to keep hold of this ball. There was no other option.
As my eyes adjusted to the moonlight coming in through the window, I started to be able to see more clearly. Trying to distract myself, I looked at the building opposite. It suddenly felt very close – much closer than I remembered. Maybe it was around ten metres away?
With relief, I realised that I couldn’t see anything in rooms where the lights were off. Thus, I would be entirely hidden from view from the perspective of anyone in the building. However, there were a few flats with lights on where my view was clear. Jack had obviously thought this through carefully and knew exactly how to excite me and horrify me in equal measure.
There were three flats I could see into. One of these was empty, and another had a couple watching tv, facing away from me so hopefully, I was safe from these.
The only flat I was worried about was directly opposite although slightly above my eye line. There seemed to be a party going on with around ten people, most of whom seemed to be guys. They were all about my age as far as I could see. The flat had a wall that was entirely glass, similarly to the room I was in now so I has a good view of most of the room. Most of them were sitting around a table drinking although there was a couple dancing, drunkenly in the corner. I had no doubt that the sudden appearance of a naked woman in the room opposite would catch their attention. I could already feel the humiliation as the warm feeling of embarrassment started to creep all over my body making me oblivious to the cold.
As I concentrated on gripping the ball as tightly as possible and ignoring the pain that was starting to spread through my jaw, I wondered how long I had been sat here. In the darkness, I had no sense of whether it was one minute, ten minutes or half an hour since Jack had closed the door and left me. As well as my jaw, my arms and legs were beginning to feel uncomfortable as the rope rubbed against my skin every time I shifted position.
I closed my eyes to try to distract myself from my growing discomfort. I imagined Jack’s strong hands tracing a line down my back as his lips pressed into mine. The smell of his aftershave would be intoxicating. Then, when we had kissed, he would take off his clothes to reveal his perfect body – well muscled but not unattractively so. Most of all, I would see his thick penis, before gratefully accept into my mouth. As I felt it grow, I would caress it with my hands and tongue before it was ready to take me in the way I deserved to be taken.
I smiled as I gradually added detail to my fantasy, wondering whether I would prefer him to fondle my breasts or to lightly kiss them as he thrust into my unresisting body. I could feel real wetness between my legs as my hands pulled at my rope bonds aching to give me release. How long was it now before this became a reality?
The party was still going on in the flat opposite. They were all now sat around the table eating what looked like pizza. Had they been eating for ten minutes or fifteen? I couldn’t say but surely I was approaching the end of my punishment and the start of my new life with Jack.
One of the girls sitting at the table having finished her food had got up and was walking across the room towards the window. As she got closer, I could see every detail of the black lace dress she was wearing, even the gold colour of the necklace that was around her neck. The girl was fiddling with something in the corner by the window. I couldn’t quite make it out until I realised that there was a black curtain there which she had unhooked and was now pulling across the window.
If my mouth hadn’t been full, I would have cried out with joy. Nothing had changed in the other two lighted rooms so this would be fantastic for making sure that I wasn’t s
een. Then all I would have to be worried about was the iced water. However, my joy was short lived. When the curtain was about half way across the window, the girl stopped and looked straight at me. I tried to keep as still as possible.
With dismay, I saw her gesture for one of her friends to come over and a heavily built man with a black beard joined her peering out of the window. They were looking right at me, but surely they couldn’t see me. As more members of the group stood up to join them, I felt afraid. Maybe the darkness wasn’t concealing me as well as it should. Maybe, I was just unlucky that the girl had stood in the one place where it was possible to see me. Whatever, the reason, there was now a group of people squinting out of the window in my direction. I could only guess at how much of my modesty the darkness was saving.
Sitting in my shame, there was nothing I could do except to try to be as still as possible and hope that the party would get bored and look away. I was biting down on the ball as hard as I could, my resolve was strengthened by the thought of how much worse my humiliation would be if I let go. I had been sitting here for a long time, I was sure now that I must only have had a few more minutes before Jack came back to save me and to congratulate me for successfully enduring his punishment.
Of all the things to be bothering me at this point, my attention was suddenly drawn to a tickling in my nose. Instinctively, I tried to move my hands to scratch it, but the ropes were still holding me tight. I tried twitching my nose, but it persisted. The itching seemed to fill my consciousness until I forgot about drawing attention to myself from the people opposite and moved my head to rub my nose against the string coming out of my mouth.